Wednesday, 6 March 2019

Big news: Google AdX (GAM) is going 1st price.

Big news: Google AdX (GAM) is going 1st price. This is a huge move from Google and big news for publishers. Publishers have seen a jump in their CPM's by such practice from SSP's like Index Exchnage etc. But Google shifting its SSP i.e Google Adx to first price auction is a big opportunity for publishers. But this does not guarantee a lift in CPM. Its upto publishers to use tricks to boost their CPM. Its high time for publishers to use solutions which will counter smarter strategies developed by DSP's like TTD etc. All the innovation happens at buyers end like bid shading etc. Its the time for publishers to come up something hashtagadtech hashtagpublishing to counter bid shading etc so that they can see real value of their inventory and see CPM lifts coming from more transparent Adtech vendors.